Joukamachi no Dandelion Wiki

An Shirogane (白銀 杏, Shirogane An?) is a minor character in the Joukamachi no Dandelion series. She is a classmate to Akane Sakurada.


An is a teenage girl with short, straight, bobbed dirty blonde hair and gold-brownish eyes.

She is usually seen with her school uniform.


Not so much known about An's personality due her lack of screen time, but she is a very kind girl who is very happy and supportive where she is usually seen with a smile on her lips.


An is Akane Sakurada's classmate who does not have a big role in the series as she only made her appearance during the first and the last episodes and alongside Karen wishing their classmates to vote for Akane.


Akane Sakurada[]

An is a good friend to Akane. When they are in school, Akane is usually with her and Karen in school. Not so much known about their relationship, but they seem to be on good terms.

Karen Ayugase[]

Karen and An worked together, saying that their classmates should vote for Akane Sakurada to become king. When Akane isn't around, these two are usually with each other. Not so much known about their relationship otherwise, but they seem to be on good terms.


  • The name An means "apricot" (杏).
  • An's surname Shirogane means "silver" (白銀).




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Sakurada Family Akane SakuradaAoi SakuradaShuu SakuradaKanade SakuradaHaruka SakuradaMisaki SakuradaHikari SakuradaTeru SakuradaShiori SakuradaSouichirou SakuradaSatsuki SakuradaBorscht
Supporting characters Angelica W. RoseHana SatouHajime FukushinaHitomi IchijouKaren AyugaseKouji MatsoukaNanaoSachiko YonezawaShizuruUzuki
Minor Characters Alvin R. RoseAn ShiroganeAyaseChieko ShinonomeChikaDaigorou ShinonomeHazuki ShinonomeKanna ShinonomeMina ShinonomeMioMutski ShinonomeReiko SaotomeSatoe MashimaSayuri SowaShirou KusonokiTamaoYuuji Yamamoto
Misaki's clones (Misaki's clones)

