Joukamachi no Dandelion Wiki
Rose family

Alvin and Angelica, members of the Rose family.

The Rose family (ローズ 家, Rōzu-ke?) is a western royal family that is good terms with another royal family, the Sakurada family. The members live in a castle, and the family has four known members and several maids and guards. Angelica W. Rose hails from this family. Because of their status as a royal family, each member with Rose blood possess an unique power. It is one of the families featured in the Joukamachi no Dandelion universe.


The Rose family is a western family. The father of Alvin R. Rose and Angelica W. Rose is the king of the country.


The Rose family is a royal family that has good contact with the royal Sakurada family. Unlike the Sakurada family, the Rose family lives a "typical" royalties life; living in a big castle with many guards and maids. The family occasionally goes on parties for royal families only. Later, Angelica "Ange" W. Rose was send to the Sakurada household to become mature since she is very pampered.


  • The queen (deceased)
  • The king's oldest son


  • Alvin was the first member of the Rose family to be introduced in the series. He had a very early debut, but did not appear in the anime either way.


Families in the Joukamachi no Dandelion Universe
Sakurada FamilyShinonome FamilyRose Family